Where faith, hope, and love flow...




The Spirit of God is moving at Three Rivers Worship Center...Here are just some of the exciting things that has happened...

Throat cancer healed - one of our members who had a tumor on his vocal chords, along with the membrane that was destroyed because of years of smoking was Miraculously healed during one of our intercessory prayer services. The doctor told him that the tumor was gone and the membranes were completely restored.

 Legs healed -  a woman suffering from the bite of a brown recluse spider for two years had got to the point where the doctors told her they are going to need to amputate her legs because they were basically dead. She was scheduled to go to the surgeon to set up the time to have her legs amputated but missed her appointment. During one of our morning services the power of God moved upon her and she was completely healed. She is walking normally now, her medications have been cut in half which was a word that was given to her on the day of her healing.

Heart Failure healed - Pastor Owens was called to the hospital to pray for a woman who saw him on television and she wanted him to pray for her. She had been in the hospital for a week due to heart failure. Her blood pressure's top number was down to 52, her pulse had been 30, they were talking about putting her on dialysis because her kidneys were 70 -75 % non-functioning. The Holy Spirit met with them in the hospital room. She went home the next day, her pulse rate was normal, her blood pressure was normal and the doctor afterwards said she was cured from her heart failure. A few weeks later she went back to the kidney doctor and he said that they do not need to consider dialysis any longer and not to come back for 3 months. 

We've also seen colon cancer healed, financial miracles take place and jobs come to those needing them. This is just some of the things that God has been doing at Three Rivers Worship Center.

What is it that you need God to do in your life?

Send us your prayer request today






                               2401 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805